Safe grocery shopping in Warsaw - updated list of local greengrocers

Quick shopping without waiting in a long line, contactless payments, shop assistants wearing gloves and face masks - this is how safe greengrocers' are operating now. In the times of raging pandemic, choose local corner shops over supermarkets. A number of businesses from your neighborhood offer the possibility to order all you need via phone or text message and then you just pick up your shopping at a set hour.

We got in touch with the corner shops below, who have agreed to comply (or were already complying) with safe shopping principles. We will update the list in the coming days.

If you don't speak Polish, send the following text:
"Dzień dobry, chcę skorzystać z opcji zamówienia zakupów przez telefon. Nie mówię po polsku, dlatego od razu wysyłam smsa. Potrzebuję: (here type in your shopping list; remember to be precise about the products and their quantity). Zakupy chciałabym (females)/ chciałbym (males) odebrać o godz. (here specify the hour at which you will pick up your products). Czy jest to możliwe? Pozdrawiam, (your name)."


If you know any shop that should be added to the list write to us on FB or send a mail to [email protected]. The more addresses we have, the more people can enjoy safe and quick shopping.








Praga Północ




Multiple districts

Thank you for helping us support local corner shops!

Do you know other corner shops to add to the list? Get in touch with us with the form below or email us at [email protected]


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