Practical Matters

English Bookstores in Warsaw & other book related tips

English Bookstores in Warsaw and other book related tips Which are the best bookstores in Warsaw for English speakers? Unfortunately,…

A few facts about Trump’s visit to Warsaw

A few facts about Trump's visit to Warsaw Organizing such event is a very complicated task. Below we provide only…

12 Quirky Present Ideas for People who Love Warsaw

12 Quirky Present Ideas for People who Love Warsaw As you may have noticed already, at OddUrbanThings we are obsessed…

How to rent an apartment in Warsaw, Poland – MUST READ!

How to rent an apartment in Warsaw (and avoid scams) If the thought of finding an apartment in Warsaw makes…

Warsaw Districts – where to stay in Warsaw?

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The Best Hostels in Warsaw, Poland

The Best Hostels in Warsaw  Looking for that awesome cheap hostel in Warsaw? We've got you covered, whatever your travel…

Fun Facts and figures about Warsaw

Fun Facts and figures about Warsaw Did you know that there are 88 parks in Warsaw?  Or that there are…

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